Moving a loved one to a senior care facility is not only a major step in the life of the individual being moved, but it is also a big change for family members. Once this decision is made it is time to find the correct facility.

In the process of moving a loved one to a senior assisted living community or a care facility, finding a good place to relocate their loved one is the most important step. When choosing a facility cost and comfort are important but it is also important to consider the quality of the care, large facilities tend to understaff. We recommend asking the staff to resident ratio, tis will determine how really personalized the care is.

The transition from a life that is completely independent to living in a senior care facility can be difficult, it is necessary to have a facility that understands and helps with this. In this post, we are going to look at moving a loved one to a senior care facility, and we are going to provide you with some tips that can help to ensure a smooth transition.

Arrange an in-person visit to the facility

When deciding about where your loved one would live you would obviously visit the facility, if possible bring the loved one with you, you need to find a place they feel at home at.

It is a good idea to learn more about what to expect and to meet with some of the key staff members. You want to take a tour of some of the facilities, and get to know some of the professionals that will be working with your family member.

You should take a look at the room in which your loved one will be spending their time, and ask for information about the rules and the processes that are in place at the facility. Talk about things like furniture, personal care items and the amount of storage space that your family member will have. Ask the staff about things like medication management, the activities that will be available and if they have a checklist of things that should be done before moving in.

Going to see the place that is going to be your loved one’s new home can help you to come to terms with the transition, and talking to the staff is a good way to learn about the needed procedures for moving in. The professional’s at the senior care facility have been through this many more times than you have, and their advice can be invaluable to making sure that the transition goes well.

Familiarize yourself with the rules and procedures

Every senior care facility has its own rules and procedures, and it is important that you and your loved one know what to expect. When you meet with the staff, they are likely to give you a resident’s handbook and other materials that outline different aspects of the facility’s operation.

You want to take the time to review these materials and make sure that your loved one understands. In addition to that, you are also going to need to learn the rules for visitors. Learning about these procedures can help you to get familiar with what to expect when you visit, but you should also make sure that other family members have this information as well.

Determine what they can bring with them and what they will need

You should be able to get much of this information when you meet with the staff, and by reading the materials that the facility has provided. However, the rules about what can come with a resident and what they need to bring can be somewhat general. You are going to need to review these materials and make a plan that is specific to your family member as an individual.

Consider all of the clothes that they are going to need to bring. Prepare the personal care items that they will need for the beginning of their stay. If they have any pieces of furniture that they want to come with them, make sure that it is something that it is included in the list. If your loved one has any hobbies or activities that they enjoy, make sure that they have what they need to engage in these activities.

Organize possessions and downsize

Once you know what your loved one can bring with them, and what they will need for the move, you are going to need to sort through their possessions and downsize. Moving from your own home to an assisted living facility means that they are not going to have as much room to accommodate all of the possessions that they accumulated throughout their life, and you need to be prepared for that.

This can be a difficult step for everyone involved. In many cases, the family member does not want to leave anything behind. Unfortunately, it is something that just has to be done. To start, you are going to need to account for all of the possession that they can take with them. Make sure to get everything that they will need, but you are also going to want to consider items that have a sentimental value.

When you have organized everything that they can take, then you need to plan for the items that are not going with them. Consider whether some items will go to the homes of other family members. Talk about storage solutions and you may also need to consider selling some things that are not going to have a future in the life of the individual.

Plan the move

With all of the person’s possessions organized and information about the process of moving in, you will then need to plan the day of the actual move. Enlist the help family members to see if you can get others to assist with different aspects of the move. You could also consider the costs and benefits of hiring a professional moving service for the day of the move.

Hiring professional movers is probably the easiest solution to getting everything to your loved one’s new home, but it will come with an added expense. If you choose to hire professionals to help with the move, you are going to want to start getting quotes and planning the logistics of the move a few weeks ahead of time.

Make a support plan

Every new resident has a different transition experience when it comes to the early stages of their stay in a senior care home. Some residents adjust quickly and are happy right from the beginning, but it is not uncommon for a new resident to have some issues getting used to the new living arrangement.

A good facility will be able to provide a lot of support to help new residents as they adjust to life in their new surroundings, but you should try to make a support plan. Talk to friends and family members to make plans for frequent visits in the early stages of your loved one’s stay. Seeing familiar faces can help to make the change easier to deal with and it will reassure them that they are going to be able to maintain the relationships that they had before moving into the facility.

Even the best of transitions can be stressful and emotional. With a little bit of forethought and planning, you can take steps to mitigate many of the issues that can arise in this situation. At Angels on Tracy, we are dedicated to providing the best senior care in Simi Valley, and we can be there to work with you and your loved one to ensure the smoothest transition possible.